Electrical Improvement Ideas to Increase a Property's Safety and Value
Older homes are more likely to have dated electrical outlets that may lack proper grounding. Upgrading these models could decrease the chances of electrical shocks or fires.
Homeowners renovating their properties should ensure that their electrical systems are safe and up to code. Doing so will decrease the risk of electrical fires and lower the house's resale value. Many people may not know that the National Electrical Code is updated every three years to include new guidelines for electrical installations.
Check out the most popular electrical upgrades for the home:
Electrical outlets
Older homes are more likely to have dated electrical outlets that may lack proper grounding. Upgrading these models could decrease the chances of electrical shocks or fires.
Another aspect to consider is the popularity of home offices, which have increased due to the rise of remote work. This has subsequently increased the number of home devices that require power. Increasing the outlets in the home office can help prevent overloading power strips.
Charging stations
Nowadays, everyone has at least one mobile device that seems to require charging. Adding charging stations in new home renovations is becoming more prevalent. They free up outlets and improve the home's appearance by creating a central storage place for all the appliances. A licensed electrician can install charging stations in suitable areas of the house.
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) are essential in every new construction and renovation project. They are designed to automatically shut off electrical outlets when they contact moisture.
Although they are relatively easy to install, it's essential to ensure that the proper number of outlets are available to avoid potential issues. An electrician can also help identify the areas where GFCIs should be installed.
Electrical panel
Modern appliances are becoming more energy-efficient. Therefore, it's vital to ensure that the home's electrical panels are also upgraded to keep up with the requirements of these new devices. Households are consuming more energy than they did in the past. Having the right electrical panels and equipment installed can help keep the home surge-free and energy-efficient.
Electrical wiring
Old wiring is a significant safety hazard. Modern, advanced technology will likely overload wiring not designed to handle these gadgets. Calling in a professional to upgrade the wiring, circuit breakers, and fuses is advisable when looking to replace the wiring. These renovations will ensure that the property won't suffer from electrical faults.
Light switches
Having suitable lighting for each room is essential when creating the perfect atmosphere. Products like dimmer switches, sensors, and sliders can be installed to properly manage the home's ambiance. Calling an electrician would be ideal for determining the appropriate light switches for each room.
Talk to an expert
Tinkering with wiring and electrical installations can be dangerous for someone without the proper training. When renovating the home, it would be best to consult an experienced electrician.
ACT Electric is a full-service residential and commercial electrical contractor company specializing in electrical installation, repairs, and upgrades, electrical troubleshooting, electrical remodeling, electrical home inspection, and electrical retrofitting. We always prioritize customer comfort and safety. Give us a call at (480) 986-1722 today!