Emergency Electrical Repairs and How to Handle Common Household Issues Safely
While repairing an electrical system requires professional assistance, being aware of potential electrical problems can be useful.
Any electrical emergency requires swift action to prevent extensive damage. While repairing an electrical system requires professional assistance, being aware of potential electrical problems can be useful.
Let's discuss the initial steps homeowners can take to bring household safety under control.
Types of electrical issues
Electrical problems can be manifold in any household. Understanding the symptoms is the first step in troubleshooting the issue.
Flickering lights: This problem is typically caused by an overloaded circuit and sometimes by faulty wiring. If an average circuit's 15 to 20 amps capacity is exceeded, it will struggle to power all connected devices adequately.
Constant tripping: Tripping is also caused by an overload and occasionally short circuits. It's usually a sign that a circuit is under too much strain and the system has tripped to prevent damage.
Sparks: Sparks arise from faulty wiring or short circuits. Any sparking in a system is highly dangerous, and all power should be shut off immediately to prevent electrical fires. Don't attempt to fix sparking wires alone; always call a licensed electrician.
Burning smells: This is another warning sign that an electrical fire is imminent or already in progress. Wires and outlets can overheat when exposed to too much current, which melts the insulating plastic surrounding them. Shut off all power if the odor of burning plastic is discernible.
While occasional trips may indicate minor electrical issues, anything more serious requires the quick attention of a professional electrician.
Initial steps
In the case of a minor issue, like tripped power, homeowners can try to troubleshoot the issue:
Head to the circuit board and examine all circuits.
If a circuit has tripped, try turning it back on.
If it trips again, start unplugging appliances individually to isolate the offender.
After each device has been unplugged, try to restore the circuit.
If a device has been isolated, inspect the wiring for any faults and call an electrician or repair service.
Shutting off the power
If homeowners are unsure of the damage to the electrical system, err on the side of caution and switch off all power. Here are a few specific instances to bear in mind:
With any threat of fire or a burning smell
During a natural disaster like flooding
On discovering sparking or exposed wires
When encountering persistent problems with an appliance
Speed is key to preventing further damage to the house and its appliances in all situations.
The right tools for the job
It also pays to be safe when handling any electrical components and keep the following items on hand:
Rubber gloves
Insulated tools
Emergency lighting
Insulated shoes
Never attempt complex repairs; always contact a licensed electrician.
The qualified electricians at ACT Electric perform quality lighting, wiring, home generators, landscape and security lighting, and new home wiring jobs. We are a 24-hour emergency electrician to cater to all your needs any time of the day or night. call at (480) 986-1722.